Saturday, 09 March 2024 01:47

Deputies bet on new coffee law that will promote national and international commercialization of the golden bean

Written by Karla Gutiérrez

The Agricultural Commission ruled in favor of the new Special Law for the Commercialization, Registration and Protection of Coffee Property with the purpose of regularizing said item in the country, as well as facilitating the commercialization of coffee for a better price.

The objective is to update the current regulatory framework regarding the acts of commerce between agro-industrial sectors of coffee growing in El Salvador and to strengthen the sector.


The initiative will allow protecting the internal and external commercialization of coffee up to the gold state, in addition to regulating the registers and activities for the protection of rights and obligations of the agents involved in coffee growing.

The regulation contemplates that the Instituto Salvadoreño del Café (ISC) will establish the average cost of transformation and a Registry of Contracts, and will also monitor the sale prices abroad, for statistical purposes. This implies that coffee shops and all those related to the coffee industry must submit information on internal consumption to the institute, for statistical purposes.

Cuánto engorda el café? Calorías de cada tipo de café

For the study of the new law, the working group met with representatives of the ISC, to update the current regulatory framework regarding the acts of trade between agro-industrial sectors of coffee growing in El Salvador.

In addition, the project establishes that the ISC will provide strategic information of the coffee market at a national and international level, strengthening commercial relations in the coffee sector. Also, it will be required for coffee commercialization operations that the buyer demands the accreditation of the inscription in the registries established in the proposed law.

Guía Para Tostadores: Presupuesto & Compra del Café - Perfect Daily Grind  Español


Translated by: A.M