Saturday, 02 October 2021 18:48

25 lb. gas drum will cost US$13.90 starting today

Written by Evelyn Alas

The Ministerio de Economía (MINEC) informs that as of october 2021 until the same month of 2022, salvadorans will be able to purchase their gas drum at a lower price with a decrease that ranges from US$1.89 to US$0.55 in the different presentations.

The 25 pound gas drum presentation is the one most used by salvadorans and its value to the consumer will be US$13.90 as of today; this thanks to the al Fondo de Estabilización de Precios de Gas Propano, since this will allow a decrease of US$1.35; since the real price would be US$15.25.

Salvadorans who have the US$8.04 subsidy granted by the Central Government will be able to purchase the 25 pound gas cylinder at a value of US$5.86.

In addition, the 35 pound liquefied gas presentation has a consumer value of US$19.37 with a variation of -US$1.89 and with subsidy it will cost US$11.33.

The recent decrease is due to the fact that the Central Government approved a Transitory Law for the Stabilization of Liquefied Petroleum Gas Prices, with the purpose of protecting the family economy of all salvadorans in view of the price increase of the gas cylinder.

There are 1.5 million households currently using the subsidy; but with this fund that will be delivered directly to the liquefied gas bottling companies, it is intended to maintain the prices that are currently being paid.