The luxury cruise ship Scenic Eclipse of the U.S. cruise line Scenic Cruise Lines, docked at the Port of Acajutla for the first time, as a result of the strategies to attract ships led by the Comisión Ejecutiva Portuaria Autónoma (CEPA) with the Ministry of Tourism and CORSATUR.

The joint work between the Ministry of Tourism, the World Food Program (WFP) and strategic alliances with the Universidad Francisco Gavidia (UFG), restaurants and hotels, will allow youth to have access to professional training for free. 

Authorities of the Central American Bank for Economic Integration (CABEI) and the Ministerio de Obras Públicas (MOP) of El Salvador, signed a non-refundable cooperation agreement this thursday as emergency aid, for up to US$500,000 to contribute to the implementation of the necessary measures to address the effects and damages caused by Hurricane Bonnie in july.

The Defensoría del Consumidor (DC) and the Ministerio de Agricultura y Ganadería, provided details of the price verification of fruits and vegetables in the wholesale Market "La Tiendona".

According to a Central American media, due to the tropical storms currently affecting the region and which have caused landslides and floods, obstructing the agile passage of means of transportation, among them the CA-4 international highway at the height of the community of El Metal, Cucuyagua, department of Copán, jurisdiction of Honduras, which has made impossible the passage of means of transportation coming from the Customs of El Poy and the Integrated Border Point Agua Caliente, located in the department of Ocotepeque.

Monday, 26 September 2022 02:08

Pupusas reach space

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A few hours before the takeoff of our compatriot Frank Rubio, the first astronaut of salvadoran origin to fly in a space expedition; Pupusería Suiza makes one of the most important deliveries in its history, the mission: to take a 'rimero' of pupusas from El Salvador to outer space in a very particular experiment.

Ministers, secretaries and senior officials from the ministries of agriculture of 30 countries of the Americas, representatives of multilateral lending agencies and global climate finance funds will meet this week in Costa Rica to discuss the strategic role of the region's agricultural sector in addressing climate change, ahead of the Conference of the Parties (COP27) in november.

Millicom (Tigo) and Glasswing International announced the launch of a joint mentoring program to support students and young professionals in Latin America during Glasswing's Eighth Annual Benefit Gala, held in New York City.

Thursday, 15 September 2022 03:44

CMI to invest US$1.8 billion in the next three years

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The corporation is committed to innovation, technology and job creation to promote economic growth in the region as part of its commitment to the countries where it operates.