Wednesday, 19 April 2023 15:53

CONAMYPE inaugurated "Economic Integration Policy for Microenterprise in El Salvador"

Written by Evelyn Alas

Today, the president of the Comisión Nacional de la Micro y Pequeña Empresa (CONAMYPE) together with USAID El Salvador and other institutions presented the project "Economic Integration Policy for Microenterprise in El Salvador".

The head of CONAMYPE kicked off the 1st Forum on Economic Integration for Microenterprises with a workshop with the Technical Committee on Economic Integration to sensitize the staff of the institutions on the formalization process.

The event was attended by representatives of government institutions involved in its implementation.


Steiner affirms that this draft policy aimed at micro-enterprises will be transferred to the Ministry of Economy, which will follow the procedure to turn it into a public policy.

With this, what we are doing is putting the micro-entrepreneur at the center of the State's activity, helping him/her to move towards a process of formalization", said the official.


"This is a State policy where we are seeing how we are going to ensure that each new enterprise is born formal and that this formality helps it to empower and grow", said the president of CONAMYPE.

As part of the commitment to consolidate this policy, CONAMYPE signed agreements with several government institutions aimed at modernizing and simplifying the Integrated Single Window for Business Procedures.


These agreements strengthen the points of attention that will be within the 8 Regional Centers of the country: Sonsonate, Santa Ana, Chalatenango, La Libertad, San Salvador, Cojutepeque, Zacatecoluca and San Miguel.


Translated by: A.M