Monday, 10 January 2022 00:44

Housing benefits 500 families with a US$1.2 million social investment

Written by Evelyn Alas

The Ministry of Housing, through the Housing Improvement Program for Low Income Families, has benefited 500 families nationwide with a social investment of US$1.2 million.

This morning, minister Michelle Sol delivered adequate housing to families in San Francisco Chinameca, in the department of La Paz.

The official arrived at the home of the Martínez Morán family to give them the keys to their permanent home. Mrs. Margarita de Morán thanked the minister for fulfilling her dream of having a decent home, after 38 years of marriage to Mr. Santos Reyes.

Eight families from the municipality of San Francisco Chinameca received adequate housing as part of this program, which also includes the delivery of permanent housing kits, emergency demountable housing kits and other supplies for the improvement of existing homes.

To access the program, the beneficiaries must be owners of the property or have legalization feasibility.

The Minister pointed out that this has been a team effort of women and men of Chinameca who collaborated from the transfer of materials to the construction of the houses.