Saturday, 04 December 2021 03:53

Economy Commission seeks to support reforms that will generate tax benefits to the Industrial Free Trade Zones Law

Written by Evelyn Alas

The minister of Economy, María Luisa Hayem, and the Vice Minister, Mario Salazar presented to the Economy Commission a list of reforms to the Industrial Free Zones Law.

Among the main modifications proposed in the bill is the incorporation of tax benefits so that a greater number of businessmen can invest in the construction of new free zones in the country.

This project is part of a modernization process for investors to approach the country, to develop and invest in a free zone, currently there is already a petition that has been approved to develop a new free zone.

The reform also intends to streamline the construction process of free zones, reduce time and also adds the possibility of building "vertical free zones" in buildings, modernizing the traditional concept of this type of development poles.

The reform also proposes a partial exemption of 60% of the income tax and municipal taxes for 10 years; the benefit is not contemplated in the current regulations.

The initiative intends to encourage national and foreign investors in the area of free zones and thus continue promoting economic and social development, generating new jobs.

The proposal presented by Economía proposes the reform of 42 articles of the current free zone law, giving priority to the expansion of benefits for developers, the modernization to enable new technological tools, the elimination of requirements and the participation of new investors.
The amendments are aimed at providing facilities to attract investment, which will contribute to the country's economic growth.