Tuesday, 03 January 2023 01:40

New Year's financial resolutions 2023

Written by Evelyn Alas

Do you already have your New Year's resolutions ready? How about making some of them financial? Here are some options.

Develop a budget: if you have been putting this off year after year, it's time to do it. It is not necessary to make a budget for a whole year. You can do it monthly, for example, and increase it little by little (bimonthly, quarterly or semiannually). You will see that with this resource you can manage yourself better and above all save.

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Analyze your expenses and income: Are you clear about how you used your money during the year? Sit down for a moment and analyze if you spent more than you earned or received in any way, if so, modify your consumption habits and you will see great results.

Pay on time: late interest can be a headache. Therefore, the best thing you can do is to pay all your loans and services on time. Avoid paying fees for not paying on time.

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Use your credit cards responsibly: at this point we refer to credit cards. Remember that everything you buy through credit cards you will have to pay for at a certain time. Credit is a financial product that will help you a lot, just do not forget that it is not an extension of your money, it is a loan. Use it in the best way and avoid debt.

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Invest your money: remember that you can put your money to work through investments. In the financial market, you will find several investment options in which it will not be necessary to have large amounts of money, nor risk everything you have. Inform yourself the best you can and invest.

Save for the future: even if you see the future as something far away, it is advisable to start preparing for your retirement at a young age.


Translated by: A.M