Thursday, 28 October 2021 16:15

The Ministry of Finance presented to the Assembly a reform that seeks that the NIT number be the same as the DUI number

Written by Evelyn Alas

The minister of Finance, Alejandro Zelaya, presented to the Legislative Assembly (AL) an initiative that seeks to establish that the Número de Identificación Tributaria (NIT) be the same number of the Documento Único de Identidad (DUI), to facilitate the management of procedures.

If the deputies approve this reform, the Minister of Finance declared that it would reduce and facilitate the procedures for individuals and legal entities.

"Companies will be issued the NIT number at the Centro Nacional de Registros (CNR) (CNR), or at the competent entity in the case of associations or non-profit organizations", assured minister Alejandro Zelaya. "In addition, the digital issuance of the NIT is proposed", he said.

The minister added that if salvadorans have a company and need to use the NIT, with this reform they will be assigned a digital credential that can be carried in the cell phone and facilitate all kinds of procedures.

"There are around 6,600,000 users of the NIT in El Salvador; of these, 6,500,000 are individuals and 108,000 are legal entities, who will continue to have the NIT number", said the minister.

Minister Alejandro Zelaya affirmed that this is the first step to give the Documento Único de Identidad (DUI) a validity as such: a single document.

He also indicated that the next step will be that the driver's license will disappear and the homologation will be sought so that it becomes the same number of the DUI, which will benefit salvadorans.