The Legislative Assembly approved yesterday in plenary session the elimination of customs duties for salvadorans who make non-commercial online purchases that do not exceed US$300 in imports.

The minister of Economy, María Luisa Hayem, the Undersecretary of Innovation Fabrizio Mena and the President of Banco Hipotecario de El Salvador (BH), Celina Padilla, announced the launch of the BH Bitcoin Bankathon, as part of the Bitcoin Week.

The minister of Finance, Alejandro Zelaya, expressed in a morning interview that they are going to finish the evaluation of Article IV with the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and stated that they will seek a fiscal adjustment of 4% of the Gross Domestic Product (GDP), in order to reach an agreement with the institution.

Multimoney follows the trend of a new generation of financial institutions worldwide that offer innovative services with great benefits for its customers and the freedom to choose what to do with their money through an App.

Monday, 08 November 2021 16:42

Where to keep your savings to buy a house?

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Saving to buy a home can take several years. Even if your plan is to take out a mortgage, these loans require you to make a down payment, so the process of saving is irreplaceable. In this note we tell you where you can keep your savings for this purpose.

A credit is a loan of money granted by a natural person or financial institution, with the commitment that, in a determined period of time, the client will pay back the loan gradually (by means of installments or in a single payment).

According to the Asociación Mexicana de Venta Online (AMVO)9 out of 10 consumers will use the digital channel at some point in their purchases during the Buen Fin. Over the last year, the arrival of new payment methods, the possibility of comparing prices and the convenience of shopping from home, have increased the popularity of e-commerce for this season.

The Superintendencia del Sistema Financiero (SSF), announced through its twitter account that the Integrated Stock Exchange between El Salvador and Panama reached as of october 2021, an inter-annual growth of 40.7% as of october 2021.

Tuesday, 02 November 2021 03:00

BANDESAL grants credit line for housing construction

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Banco de Desarrollo de El Salvador (BANDESAL), grants a line of credit for construction, which provides the best benefits to companies wishing to acquire tools or equipment necessary for the manufacture of real estate.