Wednesday, 23 August 2023 14:26

Bill seeks to create the National Agricultural Supply System

Written by Evelyn Alas

The Agricultural Commission began the study of the Integral Agricultural Commercialization Bill. This seeks to regulate activities to improve productivity, profitability and competitiveness of agribusinesses and balance the price of agricultural products.

This initiative seeks to establish a National Agricultural Supply System that connects all the activities of the agricultural sector, from production to the final consumer.

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 It also contemplates the creation of the Centro de Desarrollo de Comercio Agropecuario (CDCA), which will be in charge of the agro-production policy and price setting, will manage supply centers and will issue actions to have an agricultural reserve.

The National Supply System will administer, manage and coordinate the supply of agricultural services, goods and products to the general population in order to lay the foundations for future food sovereignty.

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As part of the study process, the commission heard the contributions of the presidential commissioner for strategic projects, Cristian Flores, and the head of Agriculture and Livestock, Óscar Guardado.

The minister explained that this bill seeks to "reduce food vulnerability in El Salvador and lay the foundations for future sovereignty at the national level".

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The Integral Agricultural Commercialization Law aims to facilitate salvadorans' access to food and to dignify the work of producers.

This proposal establishes that the National Supply System will be made up of subsystems of agro-producers, post-harvest centers, supply centers, logistics and markets.


Translated by: A.M