In order to continue guaranteeing the economic stability of salvadorans, the Legislative Assembly approved, with 80 votes, the Special and Transitory Law for the Stabilization of Liquefied Petroleum Gas Prices.

The Treasury Committee voted in favor of subscribing a US$75 million loan agreement with the Development Bank of Latin America (CAF) for the Program for the Transformation of El Salvador's Business Climate through Trade and Investment Facilitation.

The Dirección General de Energías, Hidrocarburos y Minas (DGEHM), informs salvadorans that prices for each gallon of fuel will increase up to US$0.05 for super and regular gasoline, while diesel will have a decrease of US$0.01.

Forbes Central America was proud to present the Green Economy and Sustainable Development 2023 Meeting, which took place on thursday june 8th at the Hotel Sheraton in San Salvador.

The Banco Central de Reserva (BCR) informed that consumer prices had a variation of 4.41% in may 2023, compared to may 2022.

The Ministerio de Economía (MINEC), promotes law initiatives that contribute to the economic growth and sustained development of the country, in order to improve the quality of life of salvadorans.

The Asociación de Azucareros del Istmo Centroamericano (AICA) and the sugar associations of the region that comprise it, launched for the second consecutive year, the campaign "¡Yo te cuido!", which aims to raise awareness about the importance of preventing child labor in the sector.

Deputies of the Economy Committee issued a favorable opinion for the creation of the Special and Transitory Law for the Stabilization of Liquefied Petroleum Gas Prices, with the purpose of stabilizing the price of LPG for domestic consumption, which will allow to alleviate the pocket of salvadoran households.

The Defensoría del Consumidor presented today a report of the main institutional results in defense of consumers in the period from june 2019 to may 2023.