Saturday, 13 January 2024 02:50

World debt and its abysmal increase in 2024

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Global public debt is expected to reach a staggering US$97.1 trillion by the end of this year, a significant increase over the pre-pandemic level.

According to the World Bank's "Global Economic Prospects" report, the world economy is close to breaking an unfortunate record at the end of 2024, as it would be the five years with the lowest gross domestic product growth in the last three decades.

Friday, 12 January 2024 17:40

Currencies rise after U.S. inflation

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Latin American currencies mostly rose, following inflation in the United States.

Average annual crude oil prices in 2024 and 2025 will remain near their 2023 average, according to the U.S. Energy Information Agency (EIA). Global supply and demand for petroleum liquids are expected to be relatively balanced over the next two years.


Thursday, 11 January 2024 02:53

Economy was the main problem for salvadorans in 2023

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This day, the Universidad Centroamericana José Simeón Cañas (UCA) presented its most recent survey called "La población salvadoreña evalúa la situación del país al cierre del año 2023", which describes that one of the main problems of the population is the economic issue.

The Plan Mitigación is working on Boulevard del Ejercito to reduce risks during the winter season, with an investment of US$3 million.


The Dirección general de Energía, Hidrocarburos y Minas (DGEHM), announced the new fuel prices, which will present an increase of up to US$0.11 cents. These will be in effect as of tuesday, january 9 until january 22.

The Comisión Ejecutiva Portuaria Autónoma (CEPA) informed that from january 1 to december 31, 2023, more than 5.2 million metric tons in imports and exports were mobilized at the Port of Acajutla, this represents a growth of 4.5% compared to 2022.

The country exported US$184.2 million in sugar with a sales price of US$21.09 per quintal from january through november 2023.