Tuesday, 13 July 2021 12:39

Defensoría del Consumidor seeks to regulate parking and tipping fees in the country's shopping malls

Written by Alondra Gutiérrez

The Defensoría del Consumidor (DPC) presented in the Economy Commission of the Legislative Assembly a proposal for reforms to the Consumer Protection Law with the purpose of eliminating parking and tipping fees in shopping malls in El Salvador.

The president of the Defensoría del Consumidor (DC), Ricardo Salazar, said during a radio interview that they have proposed to reform the Consumer Protection Law, incorporating 17 new articles, with which they seek to regulate the charging of parking fees and tips.

The entity said that citizens already consume products and services inside shopping malls, so charging for parking would be considered an abusive charge.

"When it comes to abusive practices that transgress consumer rights, the State must intervene. One measure is to regulate prices", said Ricardo Salazar, president of the DC.

During the execution of the inspection plan that the entity is executing in view of the increase in the minimum wage, the entity highlights that out of the 40,000 price records corresponding to 1,600 products, they identified that 65% maintain stable prices, and 35% present increases due to external factors.

"Of more than 40,000 price records, which correspond to 1,600 products, allows us to identify that 65% of these have stable prices and 35% present increases due to external factors", he detailed.

"There are products such as potatoes that have dropped 20% in prices, as we were able to verify during the inspections in the wholesale market La Tiendona”, said the president of the Defensoría del Consumidor.

The head of the entity emphasized that the increase in the minimum wage will improve the purchasing power of the population and the country's economy.