The President of the United Mexican States, Andrés Manuel López Obrador, made an official visit to El Salvador today, as part of his tour of Central America and the Caribbean.

The President of the Instituto Salvadoreño de Turismo (ISTU), Eny Aguiñada, announced that in a few days a tourist circuit will be activated in the heart of the capital city.

Representatives from COEXPORT and USAID recently visited the BEMISAL plant as part of a tour of all the companies benefiting from technical assistance through the Regional Trade Facilitation and Border Management Project of the United States Agency for International Development (USAID). The objective of the initiative is to support companies from various sectors in streamlining their foreign trade operations.

Wednesday, 04 May 2022 14:52

Do insurers need to reimagine digital payments?

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What does a true digital payment experience in insurance consist of? While the past few years have been characterized by rapid digital payment options, the real game changer has been the focus of market leaders to embrace true payment experience transformation for both premium and claims payments.

Salvadorans who wish to check their credit history can do it through Equifax with the following steps:

The Board of Directors (CD) of the Superintendencia de Competencia (SC)fined the Asociación Salvadoreña de Transportistas Internacionales de Carga (ASTIC) with US$87,600.00 for lack of collaboration by not submitting information requested by the institution in the framework of the ex officio initiation of preliminary proceedings in the Central American freight transportation market in order to seek indications of possible violations to the Competition Law (LC) related to anti-competitive practices in this essential sector for the supply chain in imports and exports of El Salvador and the region.

Vaccines are the safest and most effective way to protect children and their loved ones against at least 16 vaccine-preventable diseases . 1 Specifically, children should receive most of their vaccinations during their first two years of life-according to each country's vaccination schedule-as many of these VPEs can be more severe in infants 2 and cause pain, disability, and even death.

Following up on the delivery of the Master Plan for the Trifinio Region, representatives of the Republics of Honduras, El Salvador and Guatemala that make up the Tri-national Commission of the Trifinio Plan held a meeting at the headquarters of the Central American Bank for Economic Integration (CABEI).