Saturday, 20 January 2024 04:44

Mayor's Office of San Salvador executes cleaning and security plan for the Selecta vs. Inter of Miami game

Written by Denis Muñoz

The mayor of San Salvador, Mario Durán, is leading efforts for nationals and foreigners to experience the match between the National Team of El Salvador and Miami International Soccer Club in an environment of order, safety and cleanliness, with the implementation of a comprehensive plan in the surroundings of the Estadio Cuscatlán.

The Solid Waste Department has been carrying out cleaning actions since 7:00 a.m. in La Amapolas Avenue, Los Próceres, Altamira and Los Ángeles boulevards, and Viveros, El Talapo and Antigua a Huizúcar streets, located in the vicinity of the sports arena.

In these arteries, streets, gutters and sidewalks are being swept, drainage grills are being cleaned, waste is being collected and 30 trash cans have been installed for the thousands of attendees to dispose of their waste properly.


Regarding security measures, 30 elements of the Cuerpo de Agentes Metropolitanos (CAM) in coordination with the Policía Nacional Civil (PNC), carry out actions in Huizúcar street, Los Viveros and surrounding residential areas, to maintain order and tranquility of the citizens.

The municipal elements carry out devices to enforce municipal regulations, to avoid that the residents of the surrounding areas are not affected by the obstruction of vehicles in front of their homes, management of vehicular traffic and the safe entry of attendees.


The Technical Unit of Commerce in the Public Space supervises the authorized temporary sales in the sector of the Árbol de la Paz traffic circle, Los Próceres boulevard and the old street to Huizúcar, to guarantee clear main accesses.

In addition, the municipality has provided 600 free parking spaces at the Jorge "Chapupo" Rodríguez Sports Complex, contributing to the safety of vehicles and the order of this meeting of great importance in the history of salvadoran soccer.


Translated by: A.M