Thursday, 15 June 2023 12:40

CONAMYPE seeks to improve the operators of Centros de Desarrollo de las MYPE

Written by Evelyn Alas

The Comisión Nacional de la Micro y Pequeña Empresa (CONAMYPE) together with the operating institutions of the fourteen Centros de Desarrollo de las MYPE (CDMYPE).

The main objective of the meeting was to coordinate the joint strategic vision of the technical, financial and operational functioning, as well as the geographic coverage, methodology and financing of the CDMYPEs for the next five years.

In addition, this vision seeks to achieve a CDMYPE model with greater sustainability, covering municipalities that are not yet covered, structuring new service methodologies, creating antenna centers to improve training and generating new projects.

The Centros de Desarrollo de Micro y Pequeñas Empresas (CDMYPE), model has been promoted since 2010 as a government response to the need to promote the growth of MSEs and expand the coverage of services.

This model operates thanks to a public-private-academia alliance, which not only maximizes the Government's investment, but also takes advantage of the knowledge and experience of both universities and non-governmental organizations (with a track record in serving MSEs).

The CDMYPEs cover the entire national territory, with training services, technical assistance, business consulting, specialized services, bankable business plans, investment plans and linkages.

The aim of these services is to strengthen the administrative and productive management of mype companies through medium- and long-term support provided by the network of CDMYPE operators.

In 2022, the 14 CDMYPEs reported more than 21,048 business services provided to 3,589 companies, and the MSEs served reported sales of US$2,097,2312.96 and the creation of 2,422 jobs.


Translated by: A.M