Monday, 06 December 2021 13:23

Mom the best financial advisor

Written by Evelyn Alas

The first knowledge about personal finances comes from our mom, she has the ability to manage money in such a way that it is enough for the family's expenses. She also has the ability to make us aware of the good use of the resources we have.

Undoubtedly, the wisdom of a mother, always marks our life and becomes an expert in finances, even if she does not have a specialty in the subject.

We present you a compilation of those financial tips that mom tells us and their application to the management of finances:

Manage your money well: Mom teaches us to be tidy with our finances and thus avoid some debts.

"Who saves, always has": Mom is always an ally of saving, because she wants the financial stability of the whole family.

"Money doesn't grow on trees": How right Mom is when she teaches us to be enterprising and invest our money; you can do it in an investment fund. You must inform yourself well about which stock market product suits you best.

"Stop spending your money on anything": Because of her experience managing the household, she is the first one to advise us to prioritize our expenses. It is essential that we avoid compulsive purchases.

Stock up with what is necessary: Mom is the voice of our financial conscience for the good organization of resources in the family. Every time she repeats, "Do you think I'm getting free food?", we should prioritize basic products and avoid waste in the home.

"This money has to last you the whole week": every time mom gives us this indication, she reminds us to make a budget, organizing and prioritizing our expenses.

"Don't throw your money in the trash": She warns us not to trust unsupervised financial institutions.

"Make sure you get your change right": This is a message that teaches us to always verify account statements. We must verify the movement of money and when we perceive any unexpected charge, we must immediately contact our financial entity.