Monday, 16 May 2022 23:26

Defensoría conducts 10,400 price verifications to protect the salvadoran economy

Written by Evelyn Alas

This day, the Defensoría del Consumidor, together with the Policía Nacional Civil (PNC), increased inspections in establishments where basic grains and products of the basic food basket are sold, as part of compliance with the 11 measures to address global inflation.

The institution has carried out a total of 10,400 verifications nationwide in different agents in the food supply chain. ''I am referring to importers, marketers, distributors and final points of sale such as supermarkets, wholesale stores, convenience stores”.

According to the Defensoría there are already more than 100 requests for information to the different agents in the supply chain. At the same time, there are more than 30 investigations that seek to establish whether there have been unjustified increases, and eight complaints have been filed with the institution's Sanctioning Tribunal.

According to Ricardo Salazar, President of the Defensoría del Consumidor, the Consumer Protection Law establishes that any unjustified price increase will be sanctioned with fines of up to 500 minimum wages.

Consumers may report unjustified price increases in food, basic necessities and essential services, through the telephone number 910, the WhatsApp number 7844-1482 or in the application ''Ponele el dedo al especulador'', available at the website