The Ministerio de Agricultura y Ganadería (MAG), signed an international agreement to guarantee technological improvement, technical assistance and scientific research, with the objective of improving agricultural production and development.

Friday, 17 September 2021 14:26

Pension reform to take place in october

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Yesterday it was announced on national TV that in mid-october a list of reforms to the Ley del Sistema de Ahorro de Pensiones will be presented to the Legislative Assembly, so that salvadorans can enjoy a decent pension.

The Comisión Nacional de la Micro y Pequeña Empresa (CONAMYPE) together with the Consejo de Administración de los Fondos provenientes de la Privatización de ANTEL (FANTEL), delivered US$30,000 to the women's cooperative of El Zarzal, Chalatenango.

The minister of Housing, Michelle Sol, informed that she delivered property deeds to 52 families of the communities that make up Finca La Bretaña, in San Martin.

The President of Banco de Desarrollo de El Salvador (BANDESAL), Juan Pablo Durán, informed in an interview that so far 10,482; micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs), have already received the benefit of the minimum wage increase subsidy.

Representatives of the Asociación de Productores de Caña de Azúcar de El Salvador (ASPROCAÑA), presented themselves to the Agricultural Commission of the Legislative Assembly to learn about the different needs of the sugar cane sector.

The Superintendencia del Sistema Financiero (SSF), reported that the Administradoras de Fondos de Pensiones (AFPs), reported between july and august of this year, an increase of 3,570 contributors, indicating that more people have been able to be placed in the ranks of formal employment after a year of pandemic.

The Minister of Public Works (MOP), Romeo Herrera, informed that they have put out to public bidding a series of projects to be executed in different areas of San Salvador.

The minister of Finance, Alejandro Zelaya, informed that 300 young university students responded to the Ministry's call through the extraordinary call of the Human Capital Training program, to be part of the auditing of the 262 municipalities of the country, which will be in charge of the Dirección General de contabilidad Gubernamental (DGCG).