Monday, 21 August 2023 06:19

Herbalife, an independent business with consumer protection guarantees

Written by Evelyn Alas

In line with a job market that has been changing over the last few years, Herbalife - a leading global health and wellness company, true to its purpose of helping people live their best life, provides the opportunity to generate additional income, with flexible schedules and working independently.



According to the World Federation of Direct Selling Associations, approximately 128 million people are in the direct selling business.

Sometimes referred to as independent distributors or sales representatives, these individuals comprise a diverse group of people, including school teachers, nurses and the parent next door, who supplement their full-time income or earn their own extra money through direct selling.

To accompany the growth of the business on a full- or part-time basis, Herbalife provides the Gold Standard in consumer protection consisting of:

100% refund: if Membership is cancelled for any reason, a 100% refund guarantee, plus shipping costs, is offered on the return of unsold products purchased in the last 12 months,

Low initial investment: no minimum purchase is required and the cost of the initial package is low. No purchase of any sales or business tools is required.

Solid product guidelines: in order to achieve the best results, the benefit of each product and the proper method of use are clearly defined directly on the product label so that the product is understood in the correct way.

Upfront information about the business opportunity: realistic expectations of the business opportunity and the effort required to achieve success at all levels are provided.

Since the company's founding in 1980, Herbalife's core philosophy has been to provide access to personalized nutrition to millions of people.

To this end, it offers a wide variety of protein shakes and bars, teas, aloe drinks, vitamins and sports hydration products backed by science and certifications that ensure that everyone finds a solution that works for their life and helps them achieve wellness.


Translated by: A.M