Friday, 22 October 2021 14:13

Employers may receive up to US$200 for 3 months per person hired as "first job"

Written by Evelyn Alas

The Banco de Desarrollo de El Salvador (BANDESAL), together with the Minister of Labor, Rolando Castro, provided details about the new “Programa Oportunidadeswhich consists in the generation of jobs thanks to the third Reform to the Law of the Fideicomiso para la Recuperación Económica de las Empresas (FIREMPRESA).

This program will also provide special support to entrepreneurs to develop a US$4 million apprenticeship contract and employment subsidy project. Aimed at young people between 18 and 21 years of age with no work experience, and people 40 years of age and older who have not worked for 18 months.

"That is proposed to the Legislative Assembly (LA), that we are going to deposit US$200 and the employer has to put the complement to reach the minimum wage; this for a period of 90 days, we are talking about for three months", expressed the Minister of Labor, Rolando Castro.

"The call to young people is to join the employment exchange of the Ministry of Labor, to channel the processes that will be carried out so that they can join the Programa Oportunidades " said the President of BANDESAL, Juan Pablo Durán.

The minister of Labor expressed, that as of july 22 thousand new jobs were created, out of the 80 thousand recovered after the pandemic. "We have identified in the employment exchange, that we are going to apply a concept of equity so that both sectors are taken into account under this program", he indicated.

He also explained that a special subsidy program will be created for US$3 million, to benefit merchants who own premises or stalls duly legalized by the Mayor's Office of San Salvador, and who were affected by the fire in the Mercado San Miguelito in september 2021.

US$2.6 million will be allocated to artisanal fishermen registered with the Centro de Desarrollo de Pesca y Acuicultura (CENDEPESCA), who were not benefited during the first subsidy. Likewise, artists who could demonstrate their artistic curriculum were not benefited during the first subsidy program.