The minister of Finance, Alejandro Zelaya, participated in the launching of the “Inspectores Fiscales sin Fronteras”, program to fight tax evasion.

The Defensoría del Consumidor (DC) once again carried out the application of the national plan of inspections to avoid speculation and hoarding of products of the basic food basket, after the announcement of the increase in the minimum salary.

The minister of Labor, Rolando Castro, in the presence of Claudia Ibáñez, president of Amchan and Beatriz Peralta, manager of Sykes, announced the creation of 12 thousand new jobs for the benefit of the salvadoran population.

During the working session, the deputies of the Finance Commission prepared another favorable opinion for the creation of the "Special Activities Fund of the Ministry of Housing".

Nissan El Salvador put the unstoppable and robust Nissan Frontier to the test, showing its off-road power and confirming its resistance, and safety in any terrain.

The U.S. airline Spirit Airlines announced a new commercial operation between Miami International Airport, United States, and El Salvador's International Airport.

The Banco de Desarollo de El Salvador (BANDESAL) as the entity in charge of the Fideicomiso para la Recuperacion Económica de las Empresas Salvadoreñas (FIREMPRESA) in conjunction with the municipal government of Santa Ana, made the delivery of checks to vendors affected by the fire.

The Federación de Cámaras y Asociaciones Industriales de Centroamérica y República Dominicana (FECAICA) organized a virtual discussion entitled “Salud de los consumidores: desafíos de la industria Centroamericana y de República Dominicana”. The event was attended by representatives of the regional industry and the scientific community.

During the plenary session, the deputies of the Legislative Assembly approved with 81 votes in favor the Ley Especial Transitoria para la Regulación de Lotificaciones y Parcelaciones para Uso Habitacional .