Displaying items by tag: EL SALVADOR

Tuesday, 21 September 2021 14:04

El Salvador's Bonds continue their bad streak

For two consecutive weeks, the prices of El Salvador's Bonds have been registering strong drops in their prices.

Published in Finances

The specialized magazine "Bitcoin Magazine" indicated in the early hours of monday, september 20, that El Salvador has bought the "Bitcoin price drop", exchanging dollars for Bitcoin at a time when its price is expected to rise again.

Published in Finances

According to CoinDesk newspaper, El Salvador is trying to encourage foreign investment having adopted bitcoin as legal tender.

Published in Economy

Megalabs, an international company of German origin with global vision and extensive experience in Latin America, launches to the salvadoran market the new Hidrolágeno Q10, a more complete version of hydrolyzed collagen.

Published in Business

The Central Government held an auction of 360-day Certificados del Tesoro (CETES), awarding US$126.74 million, this was announced by ASIB through its twitter account.

Published in Economy

The Comisión Económica para América Latina y el Caribe de la Organización de las Naciones Unidas (CEPAL), indicated in a report updating the economic growth for El Salvador and the region that will rise to 5.9% this year, due to a rebound effect after the sharp drop caused by the Covid-19 pandemic.

Published in Economy

AES El Salvador and Texaco inaugurated the first electric vehicle charging station. The new charging station for electric vehicles has been installed at the Texaco "La Skina" gas station, located in the municipality of Santa Tecla, department of La Libertad.

Published in Business

The magazine specialized in the use of Bitcoin, "Bitcoin Magazine", announced today that the first ATM for transactions with this cryptocurrency has been built; while the Asociación Salvadoreña de Industriales (ASI),reported that the institution is undergoing internal training for a better handling of Bitcoin.

Published in Economy

The Ministerio de Turismo (MITUR), along with a delegation of 14 salvadoran businessmen are starting today a business meeting with panamanian businessmen, which is led by the minister of Tourism, Morena Valdez and the Vice Minister of Foreign Affairs, Adriana Mira.

Published in Economy

The president of the Banco Central de Reserva (BCR), Douglas Rodriguez, informed about the economic growth outlook for El Salvador.

Published in Economy