Displaying items by tag: economic development

Tuesday, 28 May 2024 01:49

Energy investment to economic development

The World Economic Forum foresees in the growth of energy demand an opportunity to invest in affordable and more sustainable solutions, backed by strong policy mechanisms.

Published in Finances

The Development Bank of Latin America and the Caribbean (CAF) consolidates as a strategic ally for the sustainable development of El Salvador through the formation of a portfolio focused on three strategic axes: sustainable economic development, inclusive human development, and social and environmental resilience.

Published in Economy

The Ministerio de Turismo, through the Corporación Salvadoreña de Turismo (Corsatur),held the National Meeting of the Encuentro Nacional del Ecosistema Turístico (ENET) 2024 with businessmen from Sonsonate.

Published in SME

The Vice Minister of Finance (MH), Luis Sanchez, went to the Finance Commission to present the achievements of the administration in the fourth year of the period. Sanchez indicated that "in the 2023 Budget, the three pillars of human development were prioritized focusing on: security, health and education.

Published in Finances

The Central American Bank for Economic Integration (CABEI) has contributed 90% of the investment portfolio that has been executed in El Salvador in recent years.

Published in Economy

The Ministerio de Economía (MINEC), promotes law initiatives that contribute to the economic growth and sustained development of the country, in order to improve the quality of life of salvadorans.

Published in Economy

Deputies of the Economy Committee approved a favorable opinion for the legislative plenary to hear and approve the Law for the creation of the Agencia de Promoción de Inversiones y Exportaciones de El Salvador (INVEST).

Published in Economy

The Comisión Ejecutiva Hidroeléctrica del Río Lempa (CEL), presented today the economic offer for the construction of the Chinameca and San Vicente geothermal plants, within the framework of the international competition process in which approximately US$620 million will be invested.

Published in Finances

According to the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB), it explains that gender bonds are fixed income securities that capture capital allocated for new projects that support the advancement, empowerment and equality of women.

Published in Finances

Promoting the competitiveness of the region's productive and economic sectors in accordance with its institutional mandate to promote the integration and balanced economic and social development of the countries, the Central American Bank for Economic Integration (CABEI) has held meetings with key economic agents of its member countries throughout the first six months of the year.

Published in Economy
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