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Monday, 10 July 2023 21:51

Diesel price rises US$0.05 and regular gasoline drops US$0.03 starting tomorrow

Written by Evelyn Alas

The Dirección General de Energía, Hidrocarburos y Minas (DGEHM), informs through its twitter account the new reference prices of fuels that will be in force from july 11 to 24, 2023.

Regular gasoline presents a decrease of US$0.03 and diesel will increase up to US$0.05 in the three zones of the country.

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For people who purchase premium fuel in the central zone the price remains at US$4.40 per gallon, regular US$4.10 and diesel US$3.66.

Salvadorans traveling in the western zone will find super gasoline at US$4.41, regular gasoline at US$4.11 and a gallon of diesel at US$3.67.

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Likewise, in the eastern zone super gasoline will cost US$4.45, regular US$4.14 and diesel US$3.70 per gallon.

According to the institution, the factors influencing gasoline prices are: the cut in oil production by Saudi Arabia and Russia, driving a rise in international diesel prices.

In addition, the first report of July from the International Energy Agency (IEA), generates a mixed trend in international hydrocarbon prices. - !En hora buena! salvadoreños pagarán menos por el galón de  combustible

A barrel of Brent crude is trading at US$78.47, while the US equivalent, West Texas, is at US$73.86.

Brent suffered a rise of 2.55 percent, or the equivalent of US$1.95 dollars, while West Texas Intermediate registered a rise of 2.87 percent; or the equivalent of US$2.06.


Translated by: A.M

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