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Thursday, 16 February 2023 02:35

Corn production exceeds 17 million quintals projected for 2023

Written by Evelyn Alas

The Ministerio de Agricultura y Ganadería (MAG) is expanding its scope of action to stimulate greater food production, which may even contribute to price stabilization.

The vice minister of MAG, Óscar Domínguez, detailed a plan that covers the entire chain: from agronomy to the sale to the final consumer.

In agriculture, the vice minister mentioned that with the High Yield program, it will be possible to obtain between 15 and 20 tons of corn per block. "It is of optimum yield, resistant to droughts", the official insisted.

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Production has already increased from 17 million quintals (QQ) to 22.7 million: "We have already achieved self-sufficiency in corn", said the official.

In addition, they are about to implement the genetic improvement program in livestock "for small, medium and large" producers. In irrigation districts such as Lempa-Acahuapa, they will take advantage of the plots to create a seed bank to grow grass.

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In view of all these positive changes, the vice minister said that they will hire more agricultural extensionists to cover more producers. In the same effort to boost production, at the end of february they will open four Agro-CENTA where they will sell agricultural inputs at cost.

As for prices, the Government has multiplied by seven the number of agro-markets available to the people: now there are 29 with the projection of installing more.

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They will soon launch the Solidarity Agricultural Enterprises, focused on providing financing for small producers to grow. Finally, when these initiatives are added to the seven dairy processing plants, they will make enough product available to help reduce prices.


Translated by: A.M

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