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Saturday, 04 May 2024 04:27

Treasury surpasses 2023 Income Tax filing goal

Written by Denis Muñoz

The Ministry of Finance has announced that it has successfully surpassed the goal established for the filing of Income Tax returns for the year 2023, managing to receive a total of 811,473 returns as of april 30, which represents an increase of 12% over the target figure previously established by the institution.

This remarkable achievement is broken down into 768,290 returns filed by individuals and 43,183 corresponding to legal entities. Among the latter, 954 declarations of large taxpayers, 2,647 of medium taxpayers and 807,872 of what the Ministry categorizes as other taxpayers stand out.


The high participation figure not only reflects citizens' tax compliance, but also underscores the effectiveness of the measures implemented by the Ministry of Finance to facilitate this process. Specifically, the Renta en Línea platform, an initiative launched to modernize and simplify tax procedures, has played a crucial role in providing taxpayers with an accessible and efficient tool for complying with their tax obligations.


The positive response from taxpayers suggests a significant improvement in the country's tax culture, evidencing a renewed commitment on the part of citizens to comply with their tax duties in a responsible and timely manner. This success not only benefits the functioning of the tax system, but also reinforces the integrity and sustainability of public finances in El Salvador.


Translated by: A.M

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