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Tuesday, 23 May 2023 01:48

World fleet of inactive containerships shrinks 4.4% at the beginning of may

Written by Evelyn Alas

The global inactive containership fleet continued to shrink in early may, althoughat a slower pace than in the second half of april, when it had recorded a sharp drop, Alphaliner notes.

The commercially inactive containership segment, which had fallen by nearly 30% in Alphaliner's previous survey, has now more or less stabilized, with a modest increase of just 2,196 TEUs.

Transporte marítimo en contenedores - Grupo Marítima Sureste

Meanwhile, overall vessel idling declined mainly because a good number of large and medium-sized vessels returned to commercial service after completing routine overhauls and drydocking slots.

Alphaliner's latest survey on may 8 counted 263 inactive vessels with a total capacity of 1,099,678 containers. This figure represents 4.2% of the world cellular fleet, down slightly from 4.4% at the end of april.

Datos interesantes sobre los contenedores de transporte marítimo - SICEX -  Inteligencia de Mercados

It is highlighted that, although 72 thousand 852 containers of capacity have been removed from the inactive fleet in the last 15 days, the number of inactive vessels has only decreased by one unit.

With 65% of the total capacity inactive, the segment of dry-docked vessels only decreased by one vessel, but was moderately reduced by 75 thousand 048 containers in terms of capacity. It now stands at 176 units and 718 thousand 774.

Precios de contenedores tienden a la baja y marcan oportunidad a  interesados en adquisiciones - MundoMaritimo

As a sub-segment of commercially inactive vessels, the tonnage controlled by shipping lines decreased by seven vessels for 18,144 TEUs in this period and at last count, the vessels totaled 63 units and 334,595 containers.

Meanwhile, the commercially inactive tonnage of non-operating owners (NOO) stood at 24 vessels and 46,309 TEUs. Compared to 15 days ago, there was a slight increase of five units and 20,340 TEUs.

NOOs accounted for only 12% of all idle vessel capacity, up 4% from last month. Meanwhile, shipping line-controlled tonnage now accounted for 88% of the commercially idle segment.


Translated by: A.M

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