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Wednesday, 07 July 2021 16:19

Legislative Assembly approves US$109 million credit for phase III of "Plan Control Territorial"

Written by Alondra Gutiérrez

With 64 votes, the deputies authorized the Executive to contract the loan for said amount with the Central American Bank for Economic Integration (CABEI).

The Legislative Body ratified a US$109 million loan to execute the third phase of the Plan Control Territorial. With this, the legislators are contributing to improve the conditions of the National Civil Police and the Armed Forces, through the "Programa de Modernización de las Instalaciones de Seguridad Ciudadana en el marco del Financiamiento del "Plan Control Territorial en su fase III".

The police corporation will have US$59 million and the Ministry of Defense US$50 million.

The legislators supported the initiative presented by the Government to dignify the working conditions of agents and soldiers. Also they ensure that both institutions have state-of-the-art tools to fight crime and provide security to the population.

The legislative plenary also approved with 61 votes the creation of the "Fondo de Actividades Especiales del Ministerio de Vivienda", an initiative sent by the minister of Housing, Michelle Sol.

The purpose of the initiative is to have a bank account where the money from the fees charged by the Ministry of Housing for the services it provides, including construction permits, can be collected.

Prior to this approval, the ministry's legal advisor, Kevin Vargas, explained before the Finance Committee that the funds collected by the institution will be invested in projects of social interest.

In addition, during the 11th Plenary Ordinary Session, with 63 votes, the deputies approved US$200 million to finance the implementation of the educational model "Mi Nueva Escuela".

This project proposes a radical transformation of the educational system, from infrastructure to methodologies and teaching-learning processes.

The funds come from a loan agreement to be signed with the Central American Bank for Economic Integration (CABEI)., which will benefit not only students and teachers, but also the entire community by turning schools into open spaces for coexistence and violence prevention.

"For years, education was not seen as a fundamental pillar for the development of society. We are leaving behind decades of neglect", said Jonathan Hernández, deputy of Nuevas Ideas.

A loan of US$100 million with the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) was also ratified, which will be used to implement the “Programa de Mejora de la Calidad Educativa y Cobertura de Educativa: Nacer, Crecer, Aprender”.

The objective of this project, which is part of the Política Nacional de Educación y Desarrollo Integral para la Primera Infancia “Crecer Juntos”, is to improve the quality and coverage of education in the country.

To achieve this project, early childhood services will be expanded, the quality of the educational offer for vulnerable youth will be expanded, with a gender focus, and the quality of educational management will be improved through digital transformation.

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