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Monday, 02 May 2022 15:05

Four financial tips to get to retirement in the best way possible

Written by Evelyn Alas

Pensions, around the world, are no big deal. In fact, in some countries, they are so low that they are below minimum wage and do not cover basic needs.

Working hard in youth: It seems like a no-brainer, but some people downplay it. When a person is young, they have more energy and time compared to when they reach adulthood. By working hard, this refers not only to a job, but also to preparing ahead of time for the financial situation.

Saving If you work hard, but do not save the money you earn, it will not change your situation much in the future, that is to say, when you retire. That is why establishing a savings plan at an early age will allow us, through a small monthly sacrifice, to have access to a better life when we reach old age.

Invest money: Saving money is important to reach retirement in the best way possible, investing is much more important, since it allows our savings not to lose value with devaluation and inflation.

You may be an expert in your job and you are interested in investing your money, but you do not know how to do it or you do not have the time or desire to venture into the world of investments.

Taking out retirement insurance is one of the simplest options for supplementing your retirement. In practical terms, it works just like a privately managed retirement. There are hundreds of insurance companies in the world that have these retirement plans, in which people contribute a certain amount or percentage of their income so that, when they reach a certain age, they receive an annuity.

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