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Monday, 25 March 2024 02:55

Financial tips for entrepreneurs

Written by Karla Gutiérrez

Managing our finances can be a difficult subject to control, but with a few financial tips we can achieve a good monetary health for our business.

1. Accounting Platform

Nowadays there are different applications or programs that help you keep all your finances in order, this saves you time and money.

Los 27 mejores software de contabilidad para 2023

2. Time is money

  • Avoid so many meetings a day that have nothing to do with your business or your work.
  • Avoid being 100% in all departments, assign expert managers that allow the business to run smoothly.
  • Keep an agenda of all the week's activities. It will help you organize your time. Time is money and if you control your time, you control your finances.

El tiempo es dinero - Top-E University

3. Set yourself a salary

You must be part of the list of expenses of your business. At the beginning it happens that you are the only employee of the company, include yourself as another worker in your business. Setting a salary will help you avoid unnecessary expenses.

Cómo actuar ante retraso o impago del sueldo? - ICIRED Impagados

4. Financial plan

Setting goals is the best advice we can give you, do not go aimlessly. Visualize yourself in the short, medium, and long term. Improvising is not an option when you create a business, you must be very clear about the purpose of your service or product.

3 pasos para armar Plan Financiero de una ONG - Sumá Fraternidad




Translated by: A.M

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