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Monday, 30 January 2023 14:59

Defensoría del Consumidor maintains vigilance on basic grains prices to avoid speculation

Written by Evelyn Alas

The Defensoría del Consumidor (DC), continues implementing strategies to remain vigilant of the markets and avoid that the pockets of salvadoran families are affected due to abusive practices by suppliers of different inputs.

In view of the above, the president of the Defensoría del Consumidor, Ricardo Salazar, made an inspection of basic grains in different stores located in Chalatenango.

"The Defensoría del Consumidor continues with this important effort for all the workers that the Central Government has been carrying out. We are facing the effects of a global price crisis, which the country has been able to face through economic relief measures that have been promoted since last year and that in this beginning of the year we have given continuity", said Salazar.

The inspections are carried out in different agents of the supply chain, including importers, distributors, wholesalers, retailers and final points of sale, contributing to price stability and avoiding abuses against the population.

"During the first weeks of january, we have carried out around 2,500 price verifications in establishments dedicated to the food distribution chain, both importers, distributors, wholesalers, retailers and final points of sale", explained the president of the institution.

According to the official, to date, more than 110 cases have been presented before the Sanctioning Court for unjustified price increases and for hindering the work of the Defensoría del Consumidor. Of these, about 46 cases have been sanctioned and the fines exceed $147,000.

Salazar explained that more than 50 requests for information have been made to wholesale stores and other merchants dedicated to the sale of basic food products, where abrupt price increases have been identified.

The Central Government will continue to make inspections to different supply chains, nationwide, to ensure that Salvadorans acquire products at a fair price, unjustified increases that may affect the family economy.


Translated by: A.M

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