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Monday, 08 April 2024 02:12

Economic tips to face vehicular traffic

Written by Karla Gutiérrez

Saving in traffic, especially in cities with heavy traffic loads where traffic jams are common, can be a challenge, but there are several strategies you can employ to reduce both time in traffic and the expense associated with it:

1. Using real-time traffic apps: Apps like Google Maps or Waze can help you find the fastest routes and avoid traffic jams, saving you time and fuel.

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2. Public transportation: Using public transportation, when possible, can be more economical and less stressful than driving in heavy traffic. In addition, you can take advantage of the time on public transport to read, work or rest.

Imágenes de Transporte Público - Descarga gratuita en Freepik

3. Flexible schedules: If your job allows it, try to adjust your schedule to avoid rush hour. Even a 30-minute difference can have a significant impact on the time you spend in traffic.

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4. Telecommuting: With the growing acceptance of remote work, consider working from home a few days a week to save on commuting expenses.

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5. Vehicle maintenance: Making sure your car is well maintained can improve its fuel efficiency. Things like keeping tires inflated to the proper pressure and performing regular services can reduce fuel consumption.

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6. Drive efficiently: Avoid abrupt acceleration and braking, as they increase fuel consumption. Maintaining a constant speed is more efficient.

7. Biking or walking: For short distances, consider biking or walking. It is healthy, ecological, and economical.

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Implementing these strategies can have a significant positive impact on your time and finances.


Translated by: A.M

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