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Monday, 19 February 2024 03:03

5 steps to build a successful business as a couple

Written by Karla Gutiérrez

Couples have their ups and downs, but you must learn when to give and when to take to be successful in a relationship.

When it comes to building a business with your partner, doing so can be even more difficult.

Many of us want our partners to be our primary person not only in our lives, but also in business. Let's face it: they are the person you trust the most. However, to have a successful business together, you need to make sure you do a few things first.

1. Make sure you have a healthy relationship before you start a business together

If you can't succeed in keeping each other happy as life partners, adding another big layer to that relationship will add a lot more stress.

Ventajas y desventajas de emprender un negocio en pareja

2. Set goals and establish your focus

After determining that you can add this additional layer to your relationship, it is essential to focus on your shared goals and expectations. The biggest constraint will be your time: you will need to know how to focus your time to be efficient and still maintain a balance to preserve your relationship so you don't end up just business partners.

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3. Find your passion and develop your vision

When developing your business idea, you should focus on what you are good at or what you are passionate about.

Don't shy away from past failures. Instead, think about what you learned from these and apply these lessons to your current venture.

Negocio en pareja: qué debes considerar antes de emprender juntos |  Economía | La República

4. Take your first step

While this may seem obvious, it's not an easy step. Once you've set your goals and come to a shared understanding of your roles that allows each of you to focus on your strengths efficiently, you're ready to start your business.

Matrimonios emprendedores: ¿Es buena idea emprender un negocio en pareja? |  El Emprendedor

5. Celebrate your victories

Finally, take the time to celebrate your accomplishments, such as taking trips together when time permits to show appreciation for your partner not only in business, but also romantically. Keeping the spark in your romantic relationship is as essential as maintaining your role in the business.

5 tips para emprender con tu pareja y tener éxito - CHIC Magazine



Translated by: A.M

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