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Wednesday, 05 October 2022 01:29

The key to companies is their stakeholders

Written by Evelyn Alas

The Fundación Empresarial para la Acción Social held the second day of the Sustainability and CSR Week 2022 "Overcoming Global Risks through Sustainability", entitled "Key Stakeholders: Risks and Opportunities".

This session highlighted the importance of stakeholders in the development of companies.

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The former president of FUNDEMAS, Elena de Alfaro, mentioned that each stakeholder represents a link that determines the success or failure of a company, regardless of whether it is small, medium or large. "In addition to salaries and legal benefits, today companies face even more challenging challenges, since the new generations of employees expect to have an experience that complements them emotionally", she said.


Afterwards, Jorge de Mezerville, director of Management Consulting at PwC Interamericas and Stephanie Mora, People & Organization Manager at PwC Interamericas, gave a lecture on "The role of companies in the well-being of their employees".


Jorge de Mezerville explained that one in 5 collaborators has the firm intention of changing jobs after 12 months. "These are the generations that are between 18 and 42 years old; that is, centennials and millennials, they are fundamental. More than 90% of HR professionals reported feeling 'burnout' during and after the pandemic", said the expert.


"A burnout prevention and mitigation program has to include leaders, but also work teams and the employee himself, this is a shared responsibility", said Jorge de Mezerville.

Stephanie Mora mentioned that the culture of well-being allows supporting people by providing them with a safe environment. The recognition, beyond the monetary, is the recognition that has an impact on people's motivation&quot, complements the expert.


Leaders must have an accompaniment in the employee's path, promoting a space of transparency and openness, providing direct and open communication. We have to expand wellness programs at work beyond physical health", said Stephanie Mora.

Afterwards, Jon Landeta, author and founding partner of The Business of Happiness, gave a lecture entitled "The Future of Work and the Workplace: The Business of Happiness".

If we want to talk about sustainability, about results that last over time, we have to talk about how to make employees connect with emotions". This is how Jon Landeta began his presentation.


The job of taking care of the employee's experience is the leader's job. We have to see employees as they are, as human beings. Only 16% of employees believe that their company is effective and efficient in designing and communicating organizational objectives," said Jon Landeta.

The event included a discussion on "Sustainability focused on people", with the participation of Jaime Guevara, vice president of Fruit Of The Loom; César Bendeck, Chief Executive Officer of Applaudo Studios; Alejandro Gómez, vice president of Human Capital and Culture of Banco Agrícola; and José Calderón, vice president of Operations of TELUS International in Central America.

"We conducted studies in the region and in another country to understand what centennials need and want, and what they want is for us to listen to them. We put the employee at the center of everything we do and we listen to them", said José Calderón in his speech.

"We have created our own academic talent leveling programs to bring people who even with their academic degree are not matched with the need we have on our clients' side. We have to leave the ecosystem and behave as an ecosystem where we can all take different roles at any time for a common goal", commented César Bendeck.

"We have to keep innovating because people on the production floor require attention, the motivational part is extremely linked to results. We started a process of psychological care in alliance with a university that provided us with psychologists who needed to practice", said Jaime Guevara.

"Organizations are institutions that can unite that personal purpose with a higher one of serving others. We have a very important alliance throughout the country with schools, universities and a series of institutions where we have a permanent program on financial education", said Alejandro Gómez.

To end the day, Luis Maram, expert in consulting and training in Digital Inbound Marketing, specialist in Content Marketing, and evangelist of Reputation Marketing and CSR gave the conference "The new Stakeholders Marketing".

"Today we are questioning ourselves about social and environmental aspects because the pandemic made us reflect on the fragility of humanity. Making decisions based on stakeholders and social responsibility is not just because it's the right thing to do, it's also good business, it's quite profitable", said Luis Maram.

"More than half of the people are influenced by ESG issues to trust a brand. Today ESG factors are among what is most influencing consumers' decision to trust, buy and recommend brands", concluded the content marketing specialist.

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