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Monday, 15 May 2023 03:55

How to monetize your extra income to get the most out of it?

Written by Evelyn Alas

Extra income always represents an incentive for the family economy, especially for those who have only one source of income.

In that sense, to enjoy with peace of mind and have less economic uncertainty, we offer you some financial tips that can help you make the most of that extra money with which you can achieve your economic goals.


An interesting aspect that many people discard -because of fear or ignorance- is to invest to make their capital grow. Financial institutions offer different alternatives, we show you some of them:

Savings account: Like a DPF account, this option allows you to earn interest on your money by keeping it deposited in a bank, savings bank or finance company. Through this alternative, you can access the capital as many times as you wish and deposit money whenever you want.

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Time Deposit (DPF): This is the safest and most profitable method of savings in the market. Unlike a savings account, with the DPF you earn more interest, since its profitability is not variable. This means that, no matter what happens, you will always receive a fixed amount of money for the amount deposited. However, you must keep in mind that once the DPF is opened, the amount, the interest rate and the term of the operation cannot be modified. The previously established term must be respected, so the funds are not freely available until the DPF term is completed.

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Of course, before making a decision, you should make an analysis to identify the financial entity that offers the best interest rate and, above all, verify that it has a solid backing in the market to secure your money. Remember that both options are valid, everything will depend on the planning and administration you have programmed, according to your objectives.


Translated by: A.M

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