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Thursday, 02 May 2024 05:46

Employment trends in El Salvador

Written by Karla Gutiérrez

According to the latest 2023 report on employment trends of the Labor Market Information System (SIMEL), the historical record of one million contributors was surpassed, with a total of 1,000,976 workers on the payroll in december. Also, the social security gap has been eliminated, achieving an increase in social security coverage and the implementation of the Single Payroll System (SPU).

There are different areas where salvadorans have become contributors: 32% belong to the area of restaurants, hotels, transportation, food services; 24% to manufacturing industry and other industrial activities; 21% to professional, scientific, technical, and administrative support services; 9% to services and 4% to financial activities and insurance.

In relation to the employers contributing to the Single Payroll System 2023 (SPU), the percentage distribution for december 2023 was 35,228 employers who were already contributing.

42% belong to Commerce, restaurants and hotels, transportation, storage, lodging and food service activities; 23% Services; 13% professional, scientific, technical, and administrative support service activities; 9% manufacturing industry and other industrial activities; 5% construction.

  • In conclusion, 2023 closed with the figure exceeding one million contributors.
  • In 2023, there has been a 3.4% growth compared to 2022, that is, more than 32,000 contributors.
  • Social security coverage has been increased to more than 150,000 workers who previously did not receive this benefit. This is a historic achievement for the working class.



Translated by: A.M

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