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Monday, 18 September 2023 07:03

Savings tips for salvadorans to use

Written by Leydin Sorto

What is savings? Savings is the part of income that is not destined to cover expenses and debt payments and is reserved for future needs. This money is part of the income, but it is decided not to consume it and to save it.

In El Salvador, there are several types of savings that people can consider, the most common are:

1. bank savings accounts: these accounts offer a safe way to save money and earn interest. Generally, they require a minimum balance and offer liquidity.

2. Certificates of deposit: These are fixed-term investments that offer higher interest rates than savings accounts. The money is locked in for a specific period of time, and early withdrawal can result in penalties.

El Dinero De Copia De Seguridad

3. Credit union savings accounts: Credit unions also offer interest-bearing savings accounts and often have more flexible requirements than banks.

4. Informal savings: Many people in El Salvador save money informally, such as keeping cash at home.

Ahorrar, Hucha, Dinero, Económico

5. Mutual funds: Some people invest in mutual funds, which allow them to diversify their money in a professionally managed portfolio.

Remember that the type of savings you choose depends on your financial goals and risk tolerance. It is important to do your research and talk to a financial advisor before making important savings and investment decisions.


Translated by: A.M

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