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Wednesday, 18 August 2021 13:11

2nd contingent of salvadoran workers to Canada announced

Written by Coralia Cuellar

The minister of Labor, Rolando Castro, announced today the second contingent of salvadorans who will travel to Canada to work in various service sectors.

The canadian businessman, Prakash Valentino Ramanand, said that the salvadoran labor force will come to strengthen their companies in that nation, as they seek to diversify and improve the options for each salvadoran by providing such opportunities.

"It fills me with emotion when I see all the guys, they remind me of my family, when we arrived in Canada and for us it is a blessing to offer this opportunity to you", were the first words of Valentino Ramanand.

In this second contingent, 100 salvadorans will be traveling to the North American country in the coming months. The stay of the salvadoran workers will be for two years, which will provide them with a unique opportunity to improve and achieve their goals in Canada.

"The data bank of the Ministry of Labor has 40 thousand people who have entered the platform from anywhere in the world to apply for any type of procedures and to these programs. Many workers who have left for only 3 or 4 months have earned what they would have achieved here in El Salvador in a minimum of one year, which has definitely improved their life system, their economic income", explained minister Castro.

The Labor Migration Program has contributed, since to date jobs have been recovered before the pandemic, even the spokesperson of the Ministry indicates that 22 thousand new positions or new jobs have been generated for salvadorans.

They advanced that negotiations are underway with Croatia and Bosnia, which is part of the negotiations with European countries.

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