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Tuesday, 02 May 2023 21:24

Super gasoline price up US$0.04, but regular gasoline down US$0.06 and diesel down US$0.13

Written by Evelyn Alas

The Dirección General de Energía, Hidrocarburos y Minas (DGEHM), informs salvadorans about the new fuel prices that will be in effect as of may 2nd until may 15th, 2023.

Likewise, super gasoline presents an increase of US$0.04, while regular gasoline presents a decrease of US$0.05 and diesel US$0.13 for the three zones of the country.

La ONU urge a superar los combustibles fósiles en 10 años

For those who buy super gasoline in the central zone will find US$4.71 per gallon, regular gasoline US$4.34 and diesel US$3.83.

For carriers that buy fuel in the western zone, premium fuel will average US$4.72, regular fuel US$4.34, and diesel US$3.84.

El Acuerdo de París, en peligro por la producción de combustibles fósiles

In the eastern zone the gallon of the superior will be at US$4.75, the regular at US$4.38 and the diesel at US$3.88.

The factors that had an influence are: the decrease in the production of oil, gasoline and diesel reserves, reported by the International Energy Agency (IEA), generate mixed tendencies in the international prices of hydrocarbons.

El Gobierno podría aumentar el descuento a los combustibles

Expectations for the next meeting of the U.S. Federal Reserve (FED), generated increases and decreases in the international prices of oil and its derivatives.


Translated by: A.M

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