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Monday, 26 February 2024 02:01

What are chatbots and their economic advantages for companies?

Written by Karla Gutiérrez

Today, chatbot technology is practically ubiquitous, from smart speakers in our home to messaging apps in the workplace.

The latest AI chatbots are often referred to as "virtual assistants" or "virtual agents." They can use audio as input, such as Apple's Siri, Google Assistant and Amazon Alexa, or interact with the user via SMS text messages.

In business, there are also diverse uses and these are 3 advantages of chatbots in a company

1.24/7 availability at very low cost

The cost of a chatbot does not vary depending on its availability, whether it is 24x7x or another option. It represents a fixed and very low cost compared to the extra labor costs of having to have staff on night or weekend shifts.

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2. Reduced operating costs

Chatbots are tools that allow customers to easily find the information they need to solve their doubts and launch processes. Thanks to this, companies dramatically reduce the number of calls and emails.

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3.Decrease in labor costs

The labor costs of a telephone support center can represent about ¾ of its operating costs. One way to reduce this cost is to automate numerous processes with chatbots, which also have the ability to answer several queries at the same time and even in different languages.

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Translated by: A.M

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