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Saturday, 29 January 2022 19:28

Know the what, when and how of viral trends

Written by Evelyn Alas

Viral trends are the object of desire of many, but it is rarely possible to predict when a content will have such an impact, since it is not possible to "viralize" it as a goal.

However, when it is achieved, any digital strategy is boosted in an impressive way, whether marketing in social networks or activating an Influencer Marketing campaign.

But it is necessary to start "at the beginning" another -an independent regional strategic communications agency- shares with Mayra Alcántara, Influencer Marketing director at the agency, all about viral trends and how to create them.

What is a viral trend?

It is defined as viral when a content becomes popular on social networks and reaches a large audience very quickly, that's where the term comes from; and the type of content can be a tweet, a Facebook post, a video on YouTube or TikTok.

It doesn't really matter the format or the platform, the most important thing to be considered viral is that it is seen, shared or replicated by many people in a short time.

And, within virality, we can find different types of this condition: permanent viral videos that, as their name indicates, last over time, or periodic viral videos, which achieve their status thanks to the fact that they deal with a trend or fashion that is booming at the time. In memory remain the Harlem Shake, created in 2013, and preceded by the Ice Bucket Challenge or the "Mannequin Challenge".

How did I create a viral trend?

According to Mayra Alcántara: "This is undoubtedly the million dollar question, and the answer is simple: there is currently no formula that ensures viralization, however, we have detected some common practices in which they have reached this level".

Impact: The content must capture the user's attention in the first 15 seconds and must always be positive.

Awaken emotions: People share viral content because it makes them feel something. Touching their emotions will help meet the objective.

It must be universal and accessible: If you publish content aimed at specific niches, it is unlikely to go viral. However, if you create materials for all types of audiences and accessible to anyone understands, it becomes more shareable.

Don't make it a commercial: In no way can the content sell or show advertising directly, since users get that idea and it takes them away from sharing it, limiting the reach it could have.

Add the right players: When an influencer shares the content, the chances of going viral increase as their reach is much higher.

Ok, creating is very complicated. So, can I jump on an existing trend?

Joining a trend is a very common practice; however, you should be careful and not take it lightly, since not all trends or all characters on social networks are congruent with the values of brands and what they want to convey, and there are even challenges and fashions that can become harmful to the integrity of Internet users.

"In this sense, it is advisable to resort to influencers that help connect this trend indirectly with the brand and amplify it in a much more organic way, without losing the essence of the trend and taking care that the selected profiles reflect the values of the brand or service", says Alcántara.

Likewise, it is important to mention that, for any of the above options, activating an action of this type implies a risk and a return, as in investments, where the latter always has to exceed the former for it to be convenient to take the risk.

As you can see, viral trends are a great tool in the world of social media, but like everything else, it has its nuances and flats, to which you must be aware of when accommodating a content that can get the entire network to share it.

Learn more about another and the services it offers in the area of Influencer Marketing to enhance and grow your brand.

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