Displaying items by tag: CDC

Wednesday, 29 May 2024 02:25

CDC proposes raising minimum wage to US$456

The Centro para la Defensoría del Consumidor (CDC) has suggested increasing the minimum wage due to the high cost of basic foodstuffs, and proposed eliminating the Value Added Tax (VAT) on electric energy.

Published in Economy
Wednesday, 13 December 2023 17:35

CDC calls for raising the minimum wage to US$456.20

In a press conference, members of the Centro para la Defensa del Consumidor (CDC), requested the authorities to increase the minimum wage by 25% in order to be able to face the current market prices.

Published in Economy

In a morning interview the director of the Centro para la Defensa del Consumidor (CDC), Danilo Perez said that the economic impact that the country will have will be strong. The basic food basket has increased US$14.19 in 2022.

Published in Finances

The Centro para la Defensa del Consumidor (CDC), indicated that El Salvador is in an economic inflation of 4.6%, being one of the countries most affected by the deficit of internal agricultural production and the lack of measures for the generation of products of the basic food basket.

Published in Economy