Friday, 19 April 2024 18:29

FAO price index falls by 1.1%.

Written by Denis Muñoz

The FAO Food Price Index stood at 118.3 points, down 1.3 points (down 1.1%) from its revised february level, as increases in the price indices for vegetable oils, dairy products and meat virtually offset declines in the price indices for sugar and cereals.

The index, while registering a rebound in march after a seven-month downward trend, declined 9.9 points (down 7.7 %) from its year-ago value.

Cociná con los seis grupos de alimentos

Cereals averaged 110.8 points in march, down 3.0 points (2.6 %) from february and 27.7 points (20.0 %) below the march 2023 level.

World wheat export prices declined in march for the third consecutive month, mainly due to strong export competition between the European Union, the Russian Federation and the United States of America.

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In the case of meat, according to the price index, it registered an average of 113.0 points, or 1.9 points (1.7%) higher than in february, representing the second consecutive monthly increase. At this level, the index was only 1.7 points (1.5 %) below its value of a year ago.

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The FAO sugar price index averaged 133.1 points, down 7.6 points (5.4%) from february, after two consecutive months of increases, but still 6.1 points (4.8%) above its year-ago value.


Translated by: A.M