La Constancia is a centenary company that, thanks to its experience and potential, is influencing salvadoran society by providing opportunities to empower women in the workplace, taking care of green spaces in San Salvador, supporting entrepreneurship; among other things.

According to the Organización de las Naciones Unidas para la Agricultura y la Alimentación (FAO),  the importance of reducing food loss and waste becomes evident when we look at how much food is wasted in people's daily lives. In Latin America, it is estimated that around 15% of the food available in homes, stores and supermarkets, as well as in greengrocers and other places, is discarded as garbage.

Claro El Salvador, with the support of the Mayor's Office of San Luis Talpa, carried out a cleaning day in Amatecampo Beach, on september 2nd.

The FUSION program is an initiative of DIANA with support from Microsoft, in which young students in the 4th or 5th year of their career in some branch of robotics, systems or automation, can gain experience not only studying, but creating and strengthening their digital skills.

Walmart in El Salvador is an ally for the growth of small farmers in the country through its Tierra Fértil program, providing advice, training and support to achieve growth.


Parque Industrial Verde, in collaboration with PriceSmart El Salvador, announced the launch of the recycling program with the objective of reaffirming its commitment to environmental sustainability and the communities where they operate. Starting this month, PriceSmart will have two new stations, marking an important milestone for both companies.


In compliance with the Stockholm and Basel Conventions, two important international agreements to protect human health and the environment from pollutants, AES El Salvador started an initiative to achieve the permanent deposit of waste containing electrical equipment out of operation.

On august 29th, the Secretary of Innovation, Daniel Méndez, led the installation of satellite internet in the municipal park of Panchimalco, in San Salvador; a service that will allow the population to access learning opportunities, personal development, municipal procedures, tourism activities, among others.

As part of the actions carried out by Walmart de México y Centroamérica in El Salvador in favor of the environment, 60 associates from different areas of the company carried out a volunteer day that consisted in cleaning 1 kilometer of the Coatepeque Lake.