Wednesday, 15 May 2024 02:45

FANTEL and CONAMYPE join forces to promote "Local Economic Development"

Written by Alejandra García Ortiz
FANTEL and CONAMYPE join forces to promote "Local Economic Development" Courtesy

Special Fund of Resources from the Privatization of ANTEL (FANTEL) together with the Comisión Nacional de la Micro y Pequeña Empresa (CONAMYPE) (CONAMYPE) are carrying out a strategy for economic development, seeking welfare.

The National Meeting of Local Elected Authorities, as part of the presentation of the "Local Economic Development" strategy was held this day and the Government of El Salvador participated in it, showing the low fruits of the economic development in the first 100 days of the municipal administration.

"We have almost two years of working on the issue of local development with the municipalities, at that time there were 262, now, with the elections that have just happened and the changes in the municipal structure, we have 44 municipalities", President of CONAMYPE, Paul Steiner.

He also said that the importance of local economic development within the municipalities for the strategy of Plan Cuscatlán cannot be emphasized in a better way.


It should be noted that economic development is a process that involves sustained growth in the production of goods and services of a country, along with improvements in the quality of life of its population, including increased income, access to education, health, infrastructure, and other social indicators.

It also seeks to improve people's quality of life through the growth of production and the equitable distribution of resources, promoting employment, investment, and innovation to generate wealth and general well-being.


Translated by: A.M