The Ministerio de Turismo, through the Corporación Salvadoreña de Turismo (Corsatur),held the National Meeting of the Encuentro Nacional del Ecosistema Turístico (ENET) 2024 with businessmen from Sonsonate.

El Salvador received a delegation of businessmen from India to participate in business meetings with salvadoran businessmen and open new commercial ties.

Thursday, 15 February 2024 02:20

CONAMYPE promotes handicraft exports

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With the purpose of promoting MSEs in the handicraft sector, the Export Unit successfully held the second day of the showroom with representatives of the Corpo Prestige Marketing House of Canada.


El Salvador, according to the United Nations Agency for Tourism, reports a 40% increase in tourism, making it the fifth country with the highest tourism growth in 2023.

Thursday, 01 February 2024 04:15

MSEs confidence index reached 33.2

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Micro and small businesses have faced an environment full of uncertainties throughout 2023, which seems to be inducing a more cautious behavior in micro and small businesses.

The Government of El Salvador, through the Comisión Nacional de la Micro y Pequeña Empresa (CONAMYPE) with the support of funds from the privatization of ANTEL (FANTEL), closed the Diploma in Market Analysis.

Friday, 26 January 2024 23:29

CMI is recognized as "Empresa de Impacto 2024”

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Law and Business magazine recognized CMI's leadership as an "Empresa de Impacto 2024”for its dedication to sustainability and the well-being of its employees.

The Foreign Ministry in coordination with the Comisión Nacional de la Micro Y pequeña Empresa (CONAMYPESV), received the delegation of the Dutch company "Pura Vida", led by its founder, Santiago Acosta, which seeks to explore marketing opportunities for Salvadoran handicrafts in the Netherlands.

A meeting was held in El Salvador with representatives of the Department of International Trade of the European Union (EU Trade) to discuss issues aimed at deepening bilateral trade.

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