Tuesday, 21 December 2021 14:03

Defensoría del Consumidor survey shows that salvadorans will spend US$50 to US$250 during the Christmas season

Written by Evelyn Alas

Ricardo Salazar, President of the Defensoría del Consumidor (DC), informed that 24% of the people surveyed in the "Consumer trends of salvadorans for Christmas", expressed that their spending for this Christmas season will be between US$50 and US$100, 19% said between US$100 and US$150, and 18% expressed that more than US$250.

Likewise, 67% said they will make their purchases in cash; 37% will do it with debit cards; 22% will pay with credit cards, and 12% will redeem card points, also 45% said that the extra money will be used for savings or to pay debts, 39% and 14% said for their expenses.

The most paid debts are personal loans, 50%, credit cards, 47%, housing loans 13%, university loans 9% and vehicle loans 8%.

Also 50% will do their Christmas shopping in shopping malls, 32% in supermarkets, 30% in department stores, 20% said they prefer to consume in online stores and 14% in municipal markets.

The top 5 of the most consumed foods for Christmas and New Year, 33% was turkey; 24% chicken; 25%, that is, one in four salvadorans prefer indian chicken; 20% tamales; and 17% beef tenderloin.

82 % of the salvadorans surveyed expressed that they will keep the tradition of celebrating Christmas.