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Wednesday, 25 May 2022 02:21

Defensoría investigates flour price increases

Written by Evelyn Alas

During the verifications carried out by the Defensoría del Consumidor, the President of this State portfolio, Ricardo Salazar, informed that they have received reports of price increases in wheat and corn flours.

Salazar said that they have already carried out a series of investigations in the distributors and importers of this product and added that there will be sanctions for those responsible for the possible increases.

He also called on the bakery sector to make their complaints because they will not allow companies to commit such abuses that affect small businessmen and the salvadoran economy.

He said that the fines could reach up to 500 minimum wages. He also emphasized that they are conducting investigations into rumors of increases in the prices of butter, oil and eggs.

But he emphasized that between 50% and 60% of the products of the basic food basket show a downward trend in their costs, such as fruits and vegetables.

He emphasized that the drop in prices helps to maintain the supply of products in the country's supermarkets and convenience stores.

According to Ricardo Salazar, to date they have carried out a total of 500 verifications in commercial establishments and more than 12 thousand nationwide.

As a result of these procedures he added that 35 companies are being investigated, of which 15 have been passed to the sanctioning court of the DC.

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