Saturday, 25 September 2021 00:00

Treasury submitted 3 notices to the FGR for Plan Antievasión, Anticontrabando and a denunciation

Written by Evelyn Alas

The minister of Finance, Alejandro Zelaya, together with the director general of Customs Samadhy Martinez, presented to the Fiscalía General de la República (FGR) 3 notices of the Plan Antievasión, Anticontrabando, and a US$9.5 million denunciation.

Minister Alejandro Zelaya said that so far they have submitted 119 notices to the FGR accumulating US$111 million. "With the Plan Antievasión in total we have recovered more than US$420 million and with the efforts of the del Plan Anticontrabando we have recovered more than US$19 million", said the Minister of Finance.

The first of the cases involves a natural person who has allegedly evaded around US$40,000 in the provision of services with labor dependency, a case in which there was allegedly undeclared taxable income, unjustified increase in assets and expenses without proving the origin of the resources.

The second notice involves a company engaged in the purchase and sale of plastic products for approximately US$161,000, for allegedly taxed internal operations and undeclared tax debits; and the third notice refers to a natural person engaged in the import of fruits and vegetables for US$5.9 million, allegedly undeclared taxed income.

 In addition to the complaint, the authorities filed a notice for US$2.3 million, related to logistics operators operating in free trade zones.

The notices of the Plan Antievasión pertain to:

  • Companies with economic activities related to: Provision of Services with Labor Dependency
  • Wholesale of deposits and other plastic articles
  • Sale of fruits and vegetables

The complaint filed as part of the Plan Anticontrabando contains 8 definitive import operations of parcels, in which collection seals have been falsified, and a notice for irregular operations in which customs controls have been evaded.

"We are presenting two notices, the first one is related to the use of material falsification of State seals, and for which US$1.1 million have not been received", detailed the general director of Customs, Samadhy Martínez.

The head of Customs said that in this case, taxes were not paid, documents were falsified, and it is linked to eight definitive import operations of parcels from the United States (US).